Monday, June 23, 2008

Process Measures

Can someone please suggest what meaures could be taken for the DAR process area for ML3.

Just like any product, project, or process measure, you should be following the Measurement and Analysis (MA) process of defining the information need and measurement specification so you can collect, analyze, and report on measurements that are relevant and have meaning for your organization. After following the MA process you may find that your resulting measurements are the same as other organizations have used, but NOW you know WHY you need to collect, analyze, and report these data. The justification for these data are now driven by your business and projects, NOT simply because you found some examples in a presentation.

If your organization does not have a history of using data to manage processes and/or projects, then you will need a strong position on why you have chosen the specific measures. Most likely you will receive “push back” from people and if the only justification for the measure is from an external presentation, you may find yourself in a losing situation.

For Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) process measures, you may want to look at how much effort is spent conducting a DAR, the number of alternative solutions examined, the number of people involved in the DAR, the effectiveness of the decision (was the right decision made after following the process). BUT you must follow the MA process to determine the RIGHT set of process measures for your organization.

The best place to go to for information about MA and process and product measures is the Practical Software & Systems Measurement web site at


Anonymous said...

One simple measure I used to determine the effectiveness of our DAR process was how many times did management override the DAR process team's suggest answer. The DAR team may spend a lot of time and effort to come up with a suggested answer; however, this was only a suggested answer and management could use their own answer.

Henry Schneider said...

Hi Allen,
This measure is highly dependent on the organization's culture. If the organization is not used to making decisions using a formal decision making process that is based on sound criteria and data, then this measure might have a lot of value to you. However, if the culture is comfortable with using a formal decision making process, then this measure may not be as valuable. Remember there is always management's perogative. Despite your best efforts, management can override any decision.