Thursday, August 13, 2009
Applicability of SAM
Your assumption is correct. But allow me to restate your scenario to avoid any confusion by using the word organization mulitple times in one sentence. Organization A develops a software package and delivers it to Organization B. Organization A does not use any suppliers or outsource any work. In this case Organization B is the acquiring organization and Organization A is the supplier organization. Therefore, SAM would apply to Organization B, but not to Organization A.
Rationale for Maturity Level 5
The question that needs to be asked is why does your organization want to achieve Maturity Level 5 (ML 5)? If the organization has already achieved Maturity Level 3 (ML 3), what is the motivation for achieveing ML 5? Most likely it is not mandated in a contract or by its customers. But achieving ML 5 is desirable to be competitive in the marketplace. Therefore, the reasons for achieving ML 5 should provide some indication of the short term and long term benefits.
The first step in becoming a High Maturity organization is defining your Quality and Process Performance Objectives (QPPOs) that are based on your business goals and objectives as well as your customer needs. The QPPOs should be stated in a form such that they specify a timeframe. And that information will provide some ideas of the short term and long term benefits.
However, the best advice that I can provide is to hire an SEI-certified High Maturity Lead Appraiser (HMLA) who will work with you to help explain the benefits of ML 5 to the CEO. The HMLA should have experience working with many different organizations at various Maturity Levels and be able to talk about the different challanges that have been faced by other organizations, as well as the challenges and risks within your organization.
At this point, it sounds like your organization is just beginning its journey to ML 5, so I would have to be convinced that your processes are stable enough to provide the data needed to quantify any short term and long term benefits. I think that the best you could do at this point is communicate this information in qualitative terms. Any quantitative information may not be accurate until you have implemented High Maturity.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Right Model to Follow
Question 1: For such an organization , would it be right to follow CMMI for Development or CMMI for Services or both?
Question 2: Are appraisals made on CMMI V1.3 or are we still in CMMI V1.2. If still on 1.2, when are we likely to move to V1.3?
Question 3: If only a few projects or one division of an organization is appraised, will the appraisal rating stand for the company?
Question 1 – This question is difficult to answer based upon your description. Are you developing a product or delivering a service? I really cannot tell from your description, it could be either or both. If you are developing a product, then the CMMI-DEV might be applicable. If you are delivering a service, then the CMMI-SVC might be applicable. And you could blend the two. Another aspect to consider is are you planning to have a SCAMPI A appraisal? If so, then your Lead Appraiser will be able to help you decide which constellation is applicable to your organization. If you are not planning on being appraised, then I would suggest that you look at both constellations and use the Process Areas that apply best to your organization.
Question 2 – CMMI v1.2 is the current version. The SEI recently announced that v1.3 will be released in November 2010. And based on past experience, the SEI will most likely allow appraisals against v1.2 to be conducted up until October 31, 2011.
Question 3 – The short answer is no. The appraisal results ONLY apply to the organization that was appraised, not the entire company.
Examples of Applying CMMI or CMMI-SVC to Government Organizations
There have been multiple US Government and Military organizations that have implemented and been appraised to the CMMI. Just look at the SEI's list of appraisal results and you will find these organizations. As far as the CMMI-SVC goes, this constellation was only released in late Feb 2009 and organizations are just beginning to use the model. So I seriously doubt that there are any examples of use available at this point in time. My guess is that the first time anyone will see examples of the CMMI-SVC being used will be at the 2010 SEPG Conference in Savannah, Georgia March 2010.
Auditor Directing a PPM
When you say auditor, I assume that you mean your Lead Appraiser (LA) is asking you for a PPM for predicting the outcome of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) and Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID). Is your Lead Appraiser an SEI-certified High Maturity Lead Appraiser? Has your organization identified the need for a Process Performance Model (PPM) to predict the CAR and OID outcomes, or is this solely a request from your LA? Your LA is not the person to tell you which PPMs you need. Do you have Process and Product Quality Objectives (QPPOs) that require PPM(s) to predict CAR and OID outcomes? If the answer is no, then you don't need a PPM for CAR and OID.
What I find odd is that you do not mention a Process Performance Baseline (PPB) for CAR and OID. If you are going to define and develop a PPM, then you really need to develop the CAR and OID PPBs first before you can determine the PPMs. From your brief description, it sounds like your Lead Appraiser may have overstepped his boundaries in asking for the CAR and OID PPM.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Identifying Risks
What is the difference between PP SP 2.2 Identify Project Risk and RSKM SP 2.1 Identify Risks?
What you are asking about is one of the basic differences between Maturity Level 2 (ML 2) and Maturity Level 3 (ML 3). Project Planning (PP) is a ML 2 Process Area (PA) and Risk Management (RSKM) is a ML 3 PA. At ML 2, the project only needs to be able to identify risks and that is what PP Specific Practice (SP) 2.2 addresses. At ML 3, RSKM builds upon the foundation of identifying and tracking risks put in place by PP and Project Monitoring and Control (PMC). RSKM SP 2.1 therefore builds upon PP SP 2.2 by adding more rigor for risk identification. Just read the informative material and sub-practices for both SPs and you will immediately see and understand the difference.
Project Specific Findings
The SCAMPI Method does indeed allow for project specific findings if the Appraisal Sponsor requests them. If requested, then project specific findings could be communicated in the Final Findings Presentation along with the other information, or they could be communicated separately. Reporting will be negotiated and documented in the Appraisal Plan. Keep in mind that even if the Appraisal Sponsor doesn’t request project specific findings, the PIIDs will contain project specific observations, so if someone were interested in finding out about project specific information, all they would have to do would be to read the PIIDs. The organization is required to retain the PIIDs used for the appraisal for three years, the same length of time that the appraisal results are valid.
The non-attribution issue concerns identifying any individual, project, or group as the SOURCE of the information. So by reporting project specific findings, the Lead Appraiser and Appraisal Team are not violating the non-attribution rules unless they reveal the source of the finding(s). When I conduct an appraisal, the final Appraisal Team activity is to scrub the PIIDs of all attribution information (names, interview sessions, etc.) and deleting all previous versions so the organization only retains the scrubbed PIIDs.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Selecting Projects for a SCAMPI Appraisal
The way I look at this situation depends upon on how the company is organized. If there are separate hardware and software development groups, departments, or divisions that deliver products to a program office (for example), then the software group could be appraised on its own. The same could be true for the hardware group. In fact, this situation occurs quite frequently in my experience here in the United States.
However, if the hardware and software groups are tightly intertwined in building and delivering a product (meaning you cannot separate the two), then I would say that both the hardware and software groups had to be appraised together.
The correct decision requires the Lead Appraiser to have a very good understanding of the organization and its business, as well as being a function of how the organization defines a project and what its process documentation states.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
CMMI Documentation Request
There is no such thing as a set of documented CMMI processes that can be provided for a company, though some unscrupulous consultants will try to sell you a set. Rather, there are industry accepted standards for documenting processes, such as ETVX. These process documentation standards are easily available by searching on the internet. The actual processes for REQM , PP, PMC, SAM, MA, PPQA, CM, etc. are a function of the organization’s business and its practices, though there is some commonality across companies and organizations. However, this commonality exists at the CMMI level. The CMMI is a set of guidelines for process improvement. The implementation of these guidelines will differ from organization to organization. The best advice that I can give you is to document all of your current business practices using an industry accepted process documentation standard, avoiding the temptation to improve the process. By simply documenting your existing processes, you will discover opportunities for improvement, but don’t make them at this point. Just document the process as it is currently practiced. Once you have all of your processes documented, then compare the results to the CMMI, add the missing practices, and address any improvement opportunities. Then you will have a set of processes that your employees will have ownership of and will also comply with the CMMI.
Estimating Cost vs. Establishing the Project's Budget
Project Planning (PP) Specific Practice (SP) 1.4 addresses estimating the effort and cost for the project’s work products and tasks based on specified estimation rationale, models, and/or historical data. SP 2.1 takes this information for the individual work products and tasks, along with the major milestones identified in the project’s defined life cycle, any scheduling assumptions and constraints, and task predecessor/successor relationships to construct the project’s schedule and overall budget. Simply put, SP 1.4 concerns individual items in the project and SP 2.1 concerns the project as a whole.
Requirements Traceability, To What Level?
The answer is, you do whatever is necessary to meet your business goals and objectives. It depends upon the criticality of the product or service you are delivering. If your product is highly complex and someone could lose their life if there was a missed requirement, then it is necessary to put a huge amount of effort into requirements traceability. Just consider the Space Shuttle program, the amount of requirements etc. The Space Shuttle software is as close to zero defects as you will ever find. And at the other end of the spectrum, you would be justified limiting the amount of effort for traceability.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The correct answer is, it depends upon the nature of the review. If your documented software development process states that the coding standard is used to write code. Then a process audit of the software development process would be looking at the coding standard and determining if it was indeed being used by the developers. That would be a Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) audit activity. If your documented verification process stated that a code peer review involves comparing the code to the coding standard, then that would be a Verification (VER) activity. And if your documented processes specified both of these conditions, then the answer to your question is both a PPQA audit activity and a VER activity. How you view the code review against the coding standard is therefore context dependant.
If you are asking this question because you are preparing your Direct and Indirect Evidence for your PIIDs and a SCAMPI A appraisal, then you will need to explain the context so the appraisal team will be able to correctly evaluate the evidence.
Software Sizing
I would strongly urge you to forget the ML 3 Process Areas until you have mastered ML 2. There is a fundamental difference between how a ML 2 Project Manager approaches Project Planning (PP) and Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) vs. a ML 3 Project Manager. Estimation being one of the differences. Use Case Points and Functions Points are fairly sophisticated concepts and there are challenges with getting consistency in determining what each of these things are. I would recommend that you take a step back from the model and the projects and look at your historical project data. Use the actual effort, costs, etc. from previous projects to estimate a new project. Forget about Use Case Points and Function Points for now. Once you have mastered being able to use historical information to build an empirical estimation model, then it might make sense to add a layer of sophistication by considering Use Case Points or Function Points.
Another recommendation is let the Project Manager create the project estimates and then review them with the practitioners as a sanity check rather than ask the practitioners to create the estimates. Over time as the organization gains experience estimating projects etc., then it makes sense to involve the practitioners up front in the estimation process. You have to learn to crawl first with estimation before you can sprint with the big boys.